imow_wpp_widget.gifInternational Museum of Women Announces Call for Submissions
Submit your work to the Women, Power and Politics global online exhibition

Submit your original artwork, essays, film shorts, poetry, photography and cartoons to be considered for the Women, Power and Politics online exhibition at I.M.O.W. Until December 31, 2008, Women, Power and Politics focuses on a provocative new topic each month and uses community-submitted work to start a dialogue on the issues. Work can be submitted directly online in Arabic, English, French and Spanish. Chinese language assistance with the submissions process will be available until September — email with any questions. To learn more about the submissions topics and how to submit your work, visit To start exploring Women, Power and Politics, go to

Every woman counts! Tell them your story.  I.M.O.W. is very interested in hearing stories from China, submissions are encouraged! Please forward to the women in your life!

Posted in art, newsclips
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